Indian star tortoise Facts

Indian star tortoise Facts
Indian star tortoise is small reptile that belongs to the family of tortoises. It can be found in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Indian star tortoise inhabits dry and arid forests, scrublands and grasslands. Major threats for the survival of Indian star tortoises are introduction of new species, habitat loss and uncontrolled hunting and collecting from the wild due to exotic pet trade. Despite these factors, Indian star tortoise is still numerous and widespread in the most parts of its range.
Interesting Indian star tortoise Facts:
Indian star tortoise can reach 8 to 12 inches in length and 3 to 4.9 pounds of weight. Females are larger than males.
Indian star tortoise has high-domed shell that is softer and narrower in males. Shell provides protection against predators (head and legs remain hidden inside the shell in the case of a danger).
Indian star tortoise has very convex carapace (upper part of the shell) thanks to which it can return on its feet when it flips over on the back.
Indian shell tortoise has dark brown or black carapace with beige and yellow, star-shaped markings which provide camouflage (turtle easily blends with its surroundings). Star-shaped markings are also responsible for the name of this species. Bottom side of the shell, better known as plastron, is black-colored with yellow stripes.
Indian star tortoise has medium-sized head, hooked beak and short, thick legs covered with tubercles of various size and shape. Males have long tail, while females have short and stubby tail.
Indian star tortoise is diurnal animal that is mostly active in the morning and late in the afternoon.
Indian star tortoise is a herbivore. It usually eats leaves, fruit, berries and flowers. Carrion is occasionally consumed in the wild.
Indian star tortoise is solitary creature, but it can be seen with other tortoises of both gender in the same area.
Indian star tortoise doesn't hibernate during the winter, but it decreases activity during the extremely hot and cold periods of year.
Natural enemies of Indian star tortoises are birds of prey, snakes and humans.
Mating season of Indian star tortoises takes place at the beginning of the monsoon season.
Female usually lays 7 eggs (up to 10) that hatch after 47 to 257 days (depending on a temperature). Young tortoises are born with butterfly- or bow-shaped pattern on the shell which slowly transforms into stars as they grow. Males reach sexual maturity at the age of 6 to 8 years, females at the age of 8 to 12 years.
Indian star tortoise is often kept as a house pet. Owners describe it as shy, calm and non-aggressive pet.
Indian star tortoises reproduce hardly in the captivity (they are not recommended for inexperienced owners).
Indian star tortoise can survive from 30 to 80 years in the captivity.

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